Monday, September 1, 2014

So Blessed.

After a rather stressful week this last week, when I went into the office on Friday I found a card on my desk the envelope just simply had my name on it, the card was homemade card with flowers said "God wanted me to meet bless you", there was no signature but inside was money.

 Monday, I was at the grocery store picking out my little guys formula, and lady was stocking the shelves and stopped to talk to Rory, who, of course was all too happy to give her his to see little smile, she says he sure is a happy baby, I reply "yes God has really blessed us, he really is a happy baby!"  As I turned to walk away, she says here, I turn around thinking I dropped something and she is handing me a gift card, $25 gift card!!

Astonished and on the verge of tears, I thank her.  I was able to get the kids fruit, seems little but I haven't been able to afford it, when you only have $25-$50 to spend on groceries you try to stretch it as far as you can, fruit is pricey!

Then Sunday morning one of my friends tells me to find her that she has something that will make me smile. She walks up to me at the start of service pulls me aside and says, I am just a vessel, I was told to give this to you... She hands me a thick stack of $20s.  I am now a truly amazed and speechless, I don't even know what to say, I don't know who is blessing me and I know better than to ask.  Later I go to the restroom and take the wad of $20s out and count them...$300!  

God is my provider.  I shall not want.