Monday, September 21, 2015

Where are you God?

Yes I realize that isn't something a church secretary should say.  But the question is still out there. echoing in my head this morning.  Two news stories captured my attention - one the sad tale of Bella "Baby Doe" - in her short 2 years old a mom who Facebooked about how Bella was the light of her life - actually locked this toddler up in a closet and allowed her to be beaten to death before hiding her body and letting her lifeless half-dressed body go unnamed for so very long before the law matched her to this home.

I have a toddler who is almost 2 and last night was a very exhausting night for the both of us.  I am fending off a terrible sinus headache that has followed me since the day before and little man, just cried out constantly last night - only giving in to moments of sleep due to exhaustion.  Yet I could never intentionally scare or harm this little guy.  He is the light of my life.  To look at him and think of Bella, my heart hurts.  Oh but for a twist of fate, that was her hell.  One would think if the state already took two older children from this monster's care, and they already visited this home MULTIPLE times to look into neglect claims that they would be the ones to save this little girl from the fate she faced.  Sadly, no.  The neighbors that were on the news - why didn't they question when this little one "vanished".  Even an anonymous phone call - but sadly no.  They went about their lives unaffected by this tiny toddler's absence.  Did they not hear her cries through the walls?  How could they just ignore it?

Then another story, a post by Glenn Beck about child sexual abuse and our military being told to not intervene.

This just sickens me in a way that has me questioning WHERE ARE YOU GOD?

Monsters rape a girl then tell her she is no longer pure so they murder her.  Monsters kidnap children and call them "tiny mechanics" - and abuse them as their personal sex slaves.  These CHILDREN scream and cry out in fear and in pain - and our Military - on our own bases - being told to "IGNORE" it because that is THEIR CULTURE.  Seriously?  This country is home to some of the most morally depraved monsters and yet I question who is the real villain?  The pedophiles abusing or the men and women that look the other way?

How hopeless and terrifying must life be for these children?  To look at these military figures and plead for help and because of POLICY their hands are tied.  Surely we are breeding our own terrorist - surely these children must grow to hate us for not helping when we clearly could.

----------- I guess living in our glorious country - western culture - it makes it easy to ignore stories like this.  We can "dislike" with a facebook thumbs down and move on to the next story of the Kardashians or Emmy's best/worst dressed list and go about our lives.

Two stories, one here at home and one world's away yet both with the same problem - indifference.

Why would a God who is so full of love let so many innocent children endure a life that is filled with nothing but pain and fear?  I know, "free will" is the morally approved answer to this question - God allows man to have free will - that means our actions can hurt others and God will not lift one finger to intervene.  Free will.  The screams and cries and those pleading and empty eyes will haunt our service men and women as they come home from doing their "job" - and yet this problem continues.  That next door neighbor of baby Bella - do they stay awake at night now wondering if they could've saved her?  Or does she just go on and say "that's too bad"........

Lord intervene.  Please intervene.

Couldn't you plague these monsters with some disease that kills them where they stand?  

Or is it much more practical - Lord creating perfectly fitting paths that cross and those that are aware are able to intervene but choose to not do anything?

...................... I know I will hug my children a bit tighter and pray a bit harder for the world that we leave them.  May they be brave enough and moral enough to stand for right.

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